Monday, January 15, 2007

I don't like how are things going right now. Projects datelines are nearing yet more than half is undone. Tests that make a huge difference are not studied. I can break down any moment. I feel the rush, the rush to get things done right. I feel the want, to get all of it done quick. But group-mates just pull you down.

I'm a perfectionist, I can't have things that are incomplete or done shabbily. I may be kind enough to clear up the M.E.S.S. I may do just that to get to the standard i wanted it to be. I may do it for the sake of myself for I am a self-centered person. Datelines are looming right in front of me, I'm just thinking of the worst case scenario while waiting for those rascal to send me documents and get things right on track.

I'm never fond of group-work. Choosing the right team-mate is hell of a problem. I may choose the smart ass to score distinction, but most of the time, you don't have your own freewill to speak.

I felt this semester wasn't good to me at all. I hate lousy groups and tutorial group. I don't even have the mood to get things rolling. I hate how quickly people change, I hate it! It just hit me on what made them had such a dramatic change and don't know that it just so disturbing.

I miss HER, I can breathe when I'm with HER, talk to HER, or even look at HER. But she isn't free and I'm sad. But I know she's got work to do. And I got mine too. I miss you BABY.

There is no one to depend on right now. And I mean no one. Just myself.

PS: Can't wait for January to end


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